December 08, 2006
October 18, 2006
September 21, 2006
I had the best B'Day ever!
Yes, I am back. And yes, I turned 25 years old.
At first, I was depressed about turning 25. The big quarter life crisis hit me. I'm not in a place in life I figured I should have been by this age. But then again, most are not and I'm actually ahead. I realize how blessed I really am. So its time to get out of this quarter life crisis funk and celebrate this milestone B'Day.
And celebrate is exactly what I did for a few days. It started Thursday night when I picked up one of my best friends (I have 3) from the airport. She flew in to party with me. As much as we tried to stay up gossiping and catching up, we both ended up snoring until the next morning. Friday was a busy day. We spent a total of 7 hours shopping. Somebody should have warned her that I can't be out-shopped. I will go through racks of clothes, rows of jewelry, aisles of shoes, until I find the perfect matter how long it takes. You see, I was on a mission to find a freakum dress. That dress you put on that makes every man want you. That dress that makes every woman want to BE you. That dress you put on when you want attention. That dress you pull out the back of your closets or search to find in boutiques when someone's acting up. And don't forget the matching f*ck me pumps.
So anyway, we shopped for 7 hours with minimum to eat. Then we headed to the club for my B'Day party. Afterwords an after party. Then a tipsy ride home down the Lodge Fwy. That was all Friday night.
Saturday arrives. Ah, the actual day the world was blessed with my presence. September 16. I went to a PartyLite spa party and was surprised with a birthday cake by the host and my Sis-ta's! After soaking my pedicured feet and being pampered a bit, I left. On to Canada baby!
Canada has become my second home. I love it over there and visit often as possible. The bars don't close until 4 or 5 am, unlike Michigan's standard 2am closing time. The streets are safer and cleaner. The people are friendlier. Not to mention more free-spirited. I could go on and on about why I chose to spend my birthday there.
I had a reservation at Danny's. My entourage of 6 beautiful women had a plan for me though. I'm sipping a drink, gigging to the intermission music, and all of a sudden hear the D.J. give me a birthday shoutout. Then he instructs me to get on stage. On stage?! With the strippers?! Yes, I got a public lap dance, on stage, and got the pics to prove it. I think that's the only detail I will share about my Danny's birthday experience. What happens in the back, stays in the back!
Then another after party in my Canada hotel. All was well. All was merry. All was sleepy. Until I wanted to get my fiction paperback out my car for a quick read before bed. Thats when I realized my keys were gone. Yup, one of my homies took my car keys back across the border, by mistake of course. And it just had to be in the wee hours of the morning, birds chirping outside my hotel window, morning sunshine peeking through the blinds. Thank God for being a Daddy's girl. I called my Dad and he came all the way across the border to Canada to bring my spare set. Wasn't that sweet? God Bless Him!
The next day I was a bit groggy from the previous two nights activities. So Sunday was recuperation day. For dinner I had a fabolous 5 course meal at Maggiano's. So scrumptious I had to unbutton. Actually all of us did, I think. I had the pleasure of introducing my parents and best friend to Maggiano's. They are still thanking me.
I ended my birthday celebrating on Monday with a 4.5 hour game of the new version of Monopoly and a professional massage. Then cuddled up in my bed with a good book. Can't function without my fiction!
After a two week vacation from work, I came back to lots of birthday decorations and confetti all over my desk and area. In the middle of my desk sat a delicious cheesecake and a birthday card from my thoughful co-workers. They really do like me!
So there you have it. My B'Day festivities summary. For those of you that enjoyed it with me, THANK YOU AND LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. For those of you that missed the chance of sharing this milestone B'Day with me, catch ya when I turn 30.
Yes, I am back. And yes, I turned 25 years old.
At first, I was depressed about turning 25. The big quarter life crisis hit me. I'm not in a place in life I figured I should have been by this age. But then again, most are not and I'm actually ahead. I realize how blessed I really am. So its time to get out of this quarter life crisis funk and celebrate this milestone B'Day.
And celebrate is exactly what I did for a few days. It started Thursday night when I picked up one of my best friends (I have 3) from the airport. She flew in to party with me. As much as we tried to stay up gossiping and catching up, we both ended up snoring until the next morning. Friday was a busy day. We spent a total of 7 hours shopping. Somebody should have warned her that I can't be out-shopped. I will go through racks of clothes, rows of jewelry, aisles of shoes, until I find the perfect matter how long it takes. You see, I was on a mission to find a freakum dress. That dress you put on that makes every man want you. That dress that makes every woman want to BE you. That dress you put on when you want attention. That dress you pull out the back of your closets or search to find in boutiques when someone's acting up. And don't forget the matching f*ck me pumps.
So anyway, we shopped for 7 hours with minimum to eat. Then we headed to the club for my B'Day party. Afterwords an after party. Then a tipsy ride home down the Lodge Fwy. That was all Friday night.
Saturday arrives. Ah, the actual day the world was blessed with my presence. September 16. I went to a PartyLite spa party and was surprised with a birthday cake by the host and my Sis-ta's! After soaking my pedicured feet and being pampered a bit, I left. On to Canada baby!
Canada has become my second home. I love it over there and visit often as possible. The bars don't close until 4 or 5 am, unlike Michigan's standard 2am closing time. The streets are safer and cleaner. The people are friendlier. Not to mention more free-spirited. I could go on and on about why I chose to spend my birthday there.
I had a reservation at Danny's. My entourage of 6 beautiful women had a plan for me though. I'm sipping a drink, gigging to the intermission music, and all of a sudden hear the D.J. give me a birthday shoutout. Then he instructs me to get on stage. On stage?! With the strippers?! Yes, I got a public lap dance, on stage, and got the pics to prove it. I think that's the only detail I will share about my Danny's birthday experience. What happens in the back, stays in the back!
Then another after party in my Canada hotel. All was well. All was merry. All was sleepy. Until I wanted to get my fiction paperback out my car for a quick read before bed. Thats when I realized my keys were gone. Yup, one of my homies took my car keys back across the border, by mistake of course. And it just had to be in the wee hours of the morning, birds chirping outside my hotel window, morning sunshine peeking through the blinds. Thank God for being a Daddy's girl. I called my Dad and he came all the way across the border to Canada to bring my spare set. Wasn't that sweet? God Bless Him!
The next day I was a bit groggy from the previous two nights activities. So Sunday was recuperation day. For dinner I had a fabolous 5 course meal at Maggiano's. So scrumptious I had to unbutton. Actually all of us did, I think. I had the pleasure of introducing my parents and best friend to Maggiano's. They are still thanking me.
I ended my birthday celebrating on Monday with a 4.5 hour game of the new version of Monopoly and a professional massage. Then cuddled up in my bed with a good book. Can't function without my fiction!
After a two week vacation from work, I came back to lots of birthday decorations and confetti all over my desk and area. In the middle of my desk sat a delicious cheesecake and a birthday card from my thoughful co-workers. They really do like me!
So there you have it. My B'Day festivities summary. For those of you that enjoyed it with me, THANK YOU AND LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. For those of you that missed the chance of sharing this milestone B'Day with me, catch ya when I turn 30.
March 30, 2006
"Tell Em What They Wanna Hear"
I haven't been on here in a minute!
For all those readers who are feening for my thoughts, I am so sorry for depriving you. Just kidding!
My life has taken some turns in the past month. Let me explain in a nutshell. I realized my bank job is not so secure after all. While the world was shocked and tuned into General Motors massive lay-offs, little ole' LaSalle Bank did some job cutting too. Then I realized that just because a bank is important to people's lives, it doesn't mean that Personal Bankers/Tellers are a necessity. My position is safe "for now." I wouldn't be surprised if I'm calling Marvin (unemployment) in a few months.
Also, in the past month I have been getting back in touch with the positive people from my past. My TRUE friends that have never let me down. My TRUE homies that have not changed after growing up. The people who contributed something positive to my life and never stopped loving me. I thank God that these people are back in my life. And I intend to never let our friendship end.
Oh yeah! I also realized how much I am in love. Enough said!
For all those readers who are feening for my thoughts, I am so sorry for depriving you. Just kidding!
My life has taken some turns in the past month. Let me explain in a nutshell. I realized my bank job is not so secure after all. While the world was shocked and tuned into General Motors massive lay-offs, little ole' LaSalle Bank did some job cutting too. Then I realized that just because a bank is important to people's lives, it doesn't mean that Personal Bankers/Tellers are a necessity. My position is safe "for now." I wouldn't be surprised if I'm calling Marvin (unemployment) in a few months.
Also, in the past month I have been getting back in touch with the positive people from my past. My TRUE friends that have never let me down. My TRUE homies that have not changed after growing up. The people who contributed something positive to my life and never stopped loving me. I thank God that these people are back in my life. And I intend to never let our friendship end.
Oh yeah! I also realized how much I am in love. Enough said!
February 11, 2006
"Call Me Teddy....I Got Grams"
Its official. I have become a statistic.
Usually I am not one to be afraid of visiting the doctor's office. I go to every single one religiously (general practioner, neurologist, dentist, dermatologist you name it). Its important to take care of your body considering its the only one you have. So yesterday I went to see my Neurologist. We discussed my migraines and determined they have not made any progress but have gotten worse since last year. I was aware that the migraines had increased due to stress and other triggers such as chocolate. So my meds had to be tweaked. Ugh---sick of being a geeniepig and trying different medications until one of them works and prevents my migraines. I swear my medicine cabinet looks like Bon Secour pharmacy.
"There is hope. You remember what I told you that will stop your headaches once and for all?" the doctor reminded me.
"Yes, but I don't think I am ready to take that step just yet." I muttered as I held out my hand to accept the prescriptions.
Then the doctor sent a nurse in to check my blood pressure. Now I've never had high blood pressure before. Until the reading came back 131 over 100. EEK! The nurse shook his head and figured the reading was an error. The second time he took my blood pressure came back with the same high results. Do you know them homos kept me until my blood pressure went down? How did they expect it to just go down after telling me "You can't leave. We have to contain you until its under control. If it continues to rise then we'll have no choice but to admit you to the hospital." Okay that spooked me even more and caused my pulse to quicken. That posed another problem because my pulse was too fast. Eventually I was released with strict orders to monitor my blood pressure a couple times a day.
As if migraines weren't enough, now I have to add high blood pressure to my list of ailments. Hopefully this is a temporary health problem.
Usually I am not one to be afraid of visiting the doctor's office. I go to every single one religiously (general practioner, neurologist, dentist, dermatologist you name it). Its important to take care of your body considering its the only one you have. So yesterday I went to see my Neurologist. We discussed my migraines and determined they have not made any progress but have gotten worse since last year. I was aware that the migraines had increased due to stress and other triggers such as chocolate. So my meds had to be tweaked. Ugh---sick of being a geeniepig and trying different medications until one of them works and prevents my migraines. I swear my medicine cabinet looks like Bon Secour pharmacy.
"There is hope. You remember what I told you that will stop your headaches once and for all?" the doctor reminded me.
"Yes, but I don't think I am ready to take that step just yet." I muttered as I held out my hand to accept the prescriptions.
Then the doctor sent a nurse in to check my blood pressure. Now I've never had high blood pressure before. Until the reading came back 131 over 100. EEK! The nurse shook his head and figured the reading was an error. The second time he took my blood pressure came back with the same high results. Do you know them homos kept me until my blood pressure went down? How did they expect it to just go down after telling me "You can't leave. We have to contain you until its under control. If it continues to rise then we'll have no choice but to admit you to the hospital." Okay that spooked me even more and caused my pulse to quicken. That posed another problem because my pulse was too fast. Eventually I was released with strict orders to monitor my blood pressure a couple times a day.
As if migraines weren't enough, now I have to add high blood pressure to my list of ailments. Hopefully this is a temporary health problem.
February 05, 2006
"Pick Up The Phone"
This was the weekend of unexpected phone calls and blasts from the pasts. On Thursday after work I had a hair appointment. While under the shampoo bowl, my phone starts to vibrate on my hip. While I'm being serviced in a salon I make sure my phone is on vibrate. I hate to be in the beauty shop and hear somebody's annoying ringtone on the highest octave and they KNOW they can't answer it while in the chair. When I finally got a chance to check who it was that called, it was an unfamiliar number. Cool---I don't answer unknown phone numbers anyway. But something in the back of my mind keeps telling me I know this number from waaaaaay back. Then I notice the caller was so gracious as to leave me a voicemail. So I nonchalantly check it while under the hair dryer. Soon as I heard the voice, my mouth dropped. I hit "1-1" to repeat the message. OMG---its really him. My very first boyfriend. And he sounds exactly the same! That same extra deep, suave, smooth, convincing voice. Last time we talked was years and years ago and he was living out of state. Apparently, he is back in Detroit for a few months. Looking back, I don't really remember why we stopped talking. I didn't cheat. He didn't cheat. I think we just kinda grew up and grew apart. But he was a VERY GOOD friend and confidante. My intentions were to call him back SOON as I got home from the hair salon. But I got preoccupied and eventually fell asleep.
Then on Friday I got another unexpected phonecall that led to consuming my whole weekend. It all started when I answered my phone during lunchtime. It was my old best friend from high school days! I had been in contact with her mother recently. We decided to go out for drinks Friday night. I must admit I was pretty nervous. I hadn't seen her in years. And our friendship kinda disentigrated when I moved away to college. So I get to the bar first and have a seat. I had no idea what she looked like now, and I've changed too since she last saw me. Shortly after I arrived, she strolled in. We excitedly hugged and started yapping away. Ordered about 3 or 4 rounds of drinks and ate. Then we went to the late night show. Ain't nothin' like going to the movies blowed! Everything is exaggerated. I broke the armrest on the seat, she bumped into walls, we laughed at everything. I am surprised nobody in the theatre got an attitude and told us to shut up. We both had so much fun reminscing and catching up. That night I realized just how much I missed her friendship. And the next morning I realized just how much I had to drink! My headache was off the richter scale. I even threw up. I wasn't even drunk though! But mind you, this was my first time really drinking since my birthday blackout in September. I even missed my 10am standing nail appointment. Finally at 1pm I dragged myself out the bed to get my nails done. Couldn't miss that! Then I had to visit my rental property afterwards. I hopped right back in the bed by 5pm with the same migraine and didn't wake up until 9am this morning!
By noon I was out downtown enjoying the Super Bowl festivities. So that was my weekend folks. How was yours?
Then on Friday I got another unexpected phonecall that led to consuming my whole weekend. It all started when I answered my phone during lunchtime. It was my old best friend from high school days! I had been in contact with her mother recently. We decided to go out for drinks Friday night. I must admit I was pretty nervous. I hadn't seen her in years. And our friendship kinda disentigrated when I moved away to college. So I get to the bar first and have a seat. I had no idea what she looked like now, and I've changed too since she last saw me. Shortly after I arrived, she strolled in. We excitedly hugged and started yapping away. Ordered about 3 or 4 rounds of drinks and ate. Then we went to the late night show. Ain't nothin' like going to the movies blowed! Everything is exaggerated. I broke the armrest on the seat, she bumped into walls, we laughed at everything. I am surprised nobody in the theatre got an attitude and told us to shut up. We both had so much fun reminscing and catching up. That night I realized just how much I missed her friendship. And the next morning I realized just how much I had to drink! My headache was off the richter scale. I even threw up. I wasn't even drunk though! But mind you, this was my first time really drinking since my birthday blackout in September. I even missed my 10am standing nail appointment. Finally at 1pm I dragged myself out the bed to get my nails done. Couldn't miss that! Then I had to visit my rental property afterwards. I hopped right back in the bed by 5pm with the same migraine and didn't wake up until 9am this morning!
By noon I was out downtown enjoying the Super Bowl festivities. So that was my weekend folks. How was yours?
January 22, 2006
"She Ain't Messin' Wit No Broke, Broke"
I had dinner with a customer on Wednesday. It was a treat because of my special treatment of this particular customer and taking care of finances/bills and organizing statements. So we get to dinner at a very nice restaurant called Alley Grille, located inside one of Detroit's casinos. My customer said emphatically to "Order whatever you want! Its all on me!" So those were the orders I followed. I ordered a filet mignon, with a loaded baked potato, and a thick slice of cheesecake with a graham cracker crust and topped with fresh succulent strawberries and grapes. Ah...dinner was delicious. I was so full, I had to unbutton. Then I glance at my customer's confused face. And then it happens. My customer's eyebrows arch, pockets are being patted, wallet is being turned upside down! I'm thinking to myself, "That ain't a good look." I was afraid to ask what's wrong for fear of hearing the answer. I just know my customer ain't brought me to the most expensive restaurant located in the casinos, told me to order whatever I want, and have no money. Good thing my parents always taught me to be prepared and carry money. But I didn't bring enough to cover the whole bill. GULP!
So I ask innocently, "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"
My customer holds up an empty wallet. It didn't even have a piece of lint inside. "I don't know what I did with my money. You know I withdrew it from my account, but where did I put it?" I distinctly remember the money being placed in the wallet, but now it was dead empty. I couldn't do anything but laugh and say "Roll up your sleeves then, we bout to wash some dishes!" We sat there and laughed for a good 15 minutes straight. The situation was so funny I started out right crying laughing. I've never been in that type of situation before. Turns out that my customer had some money, just not enough to cover the tip. Whew---didn't have to bust suds after all.
So I ask innocently, "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"
My customer holds up an empty wallet. It didn't even have a piece of lint inside. "I don't know what I did with my money. You know I withdrew it from my account, but where did I put it?" I distinctly remember the money being placed in the wallet, but now it was dead empty. I couldn't do anything but laugh and say "Roll up your sleeves then, we bout to wash some dishes!" We sat there and laughed for a good 15 minutes straight. The situation was so funny I started out right crying laughing. I've never been in that type of situation before. Turns out that my customer had some money, just not enough to cover the tip. Whew---didn't have to bust suds after all.
January 13, 2006
"Make Her Feel Good"

I've learned a new trick to make me feel good. I'd like to share it.
If I read my daily devotional and apply the message to my day, then I'm living right. And it shows.
If I tell myself "You will have a beautiful blessed day", then I will. And it shows.
If I dress to the nines and look my best, then it makes me feel good. Think about it. When you put on baggy sweats and sport a ponytail (doorag for the fellas) then you feel so blah and wee bit sluggish. Petty things can ruin your entire day. But when you step your feet into some sharp stilettos (new Timbs for the fellas), got the hair freshly done, a fill-in on your acrylic nails, and dress to impress.....WATCH OUT! You carry yourself in a more confident manner. That's because you KNOW you look good. So your whole attitude changes from the inside out. And it shows.
If I follow these steps every morning, then I feel good. And it shows.
My head is held a little higher. My smile is brighter. My voice is even more pleasant. The sway in my hips is exaggerated. The bounce in my hair seems lighter. So does the weight on my shoulders. And it shows.
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