January 22, 2006

"She Ain't Messin' Wit No Broke, Broke"

I had dinner with a customer on Wednesday. It was a treat because of my special treatment of this particular customer and taking care of finances/bills and organizing statements. So we get to dinner at a very nice restaurant called Alley Grille, located inside one of Detroit's casinos. My customer said emphatically to "Order whatever you want! Its all on me!" So those were the orders I followed. I ordered a filet mignon, with a loaded baked potato, and a thick slice of cheesecake with a graham cracker crust and topped with fresh succulent strawberries and grapes. Ah...dinner was delicious. I was so full, I had to unbutton. Then I glance at my customer's confused face. And then it happens. My customer's eyebrows arch, pockets are being patted, wallet is being turned upside down! I'm thinking to myself, "That ain't a good look." I was afraid to ask what's wrong for fear of hearing the answer. I just know my customer ain't brought me to the most expensive restaurant located in the casinos, told me to order whatever I want, and have no money. Good thing my parents always taught me to be prepared and carry money. But I didn't bring enough to cover the whole bill. GULP!

So I ask innocently, "What's wrong? Is everything okay?"

My customer holds up an empty wallet. It didn't even have a piece of lint inside. "I don't know what I did with my money. You know I withdrew it from my account, but where did I put it?" I distinctly remember the money being placed in the wallet, but now it was dead empty. I couldn't do anything but laugh and say "Roll up your sleeves then, we bout to wash some dishes!" We sat there and laughed for a good 15 minutes straight. The situation was so funny I started out right crying laughing. I've never been in that type of situation before. Turns out that my customer had some money, just not enough to cover the tip. Whew---didn't have to bust suds after all.


M-Dubb said...

I can see you lookin at him sideways like "Then YOU'LL be washing dishes... I'mma be finishing the graham cracker crust off my pie. Thanks, homie!"

LaDontai said...

LOL....you know me so well!

Rose said...

That was scary. I know you was about ready to go off.

Anonymous said...

That's why I'd take you to the dollar menu and say....have whatever you want!!! Live on the edge...supersize it if you wanna!!!