December 07, 2005

"My Humps"

Everyday its the same ole routine. I hear the loud annoying sound of the alarm clock, reluctantly get off the comfy mattress that has my permanent body imprint in the middle. My soft bare feet hit the cold hardwood floor. I stretch, yawn, then change my mind about getting up. My manicured hand hits the snooze button for the third time this morning. I dive back into the warm flannel sheets. I lay my head on the pillow and doze for another 9 minutes. There goes that annoying alarm clock buzz again.

Then I rise and get ready for an 8 hour shift at a job that I am not satisfied with. Go to work, put on a fake smile, laugh and gossip with the gang, all the while wishing I was somewhere else. Finally the clock reaches 5:00pm. YES---I am free to leave this joint. All to go home, and get ready to repeat the same routine.

Today I realized something precious. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

I've come across a hump in my life. Its time to change my daily routine. I'm too young to feel so tired all the time. I'm too young to drag day by day. I'm too young to count the hours in a day. I'm too young to deal with this monotonous shit.

From this day forth, I'm gonna dedicate the time to make changes to my life that will better ME. Changes that will make me a happier chick. I dare YOU to do the same!


M-Dubb said...

I'm not ready for this aggressive Dontai. You're too small to be all Napoleonic and shyt. And "shit?" You don't cuss!

(Quietly, I'm lovin the aggression in this bad boy!)

LaDontai said...

I don't know what came over me. You know its not like me to cuss. Just had to relieve what was on my mind. That's what a blog is all about, right???

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about work and with making a positive change in my life. As a matter of fact, one of my New Year's resolutions is to better myself as an individual and to stay on top of my school game. Well keep your head up and I will talk to you later Ms. Biggums! -Kelz

LaDontai said...

Ms. Biggums, you will definately succeed in life. Focus all your attention on bettering yourself and furthering your edu-ma-cation.